INTRODUCTION: The Menstrual Bleeding Questionnaire(MBQ) is a scale developed to identify women with heavy menstrual bleeding(HMB) and to assess its impact on quality of life. The aim of our study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Turkish adaptation of this scale for the adolescent age group.
METHODS: MBQ was translated into Turkish and adapted to adolescent age. Face validity was achieved by applying the Turkish scale draft to the pilot group. To ensure concurrent validity, adapted MBQ(aMBQ) was first applied together with SF-36(short form-36). Afterwards, both questionnaires were applied to 251 adolescent girls and the reliability of the scale was evaluated by retesting on 63 adolescent girls.
RESULTS: The pilot study was implemented on ten adolescent girls with a median age of 14.5(13-16). There was a strong correlation between the first aMBQ and the re-test aMBQ application. The reliability coefficients of both SF-36 and aMBQ were above the acceptable limit. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin sampling adequacy for the first application of aMBQ was found to be above the good level (KMO= 0.831, p<0.001). 48.73% eigenvalue was reached in four factors. When the pattern matrix of the first application of aMBQ was examined, distribution of the items was generally regular. When the ROC analysis of the aMBQ values was performed, the areas under the curve of the symptom effect (0.882), symptom (0.884) and severity (0.903) sub-dimension values were quite high. MBQ results revealed abnormal uterine bleeding in 11/251 (4.3%) cases.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The Turkish adaptation demonstrated good internal consistency, high reliability, and acceptable validity. Applying MBQ to adolescent girls in our country will contribute to the evaluation of conditions associated with abnormal uterine bleeding.